Fiesta Inn Moterrey Fundidora
Address: Av.Churrubusco #701 is located in the Fundidora Park.
Telephone:+52 (81)81260500
How we know the hotels Fiesta Inn are more for Bussines but also have a excelent service for the family thats why I recoment you, when you go to Monterrey stay in Fiesta Inn Fundidora.
I thing that a very luxurios hotel is Sheraton but in Monterrey, it's amazing.
Address: av. hidalgo 310 oriente
Telephone: +52(81)83807000
It have an excelent service and it's an excelent hotel in saltillo is City Express.
Address:Periferico Luis Echeverria Alvares 1630
In Torreon we have a to many hotels because is an industry city.
One of this hotels is Crowne Plaza and this Hotel is very luxurios
address: Blvd. Torreon-Matamoros 4050
Telephone: 01800 000 0404
A very Luxurios hotel and confort is Club Maeva Miramar This is a big Resort and amaizing hotel.
address: blvd. costero Miramar Beach
telephone: +52(833)230202
Another excelent hotel is Grand Royal Tampico
address: av. hidalgo #6814 Colonia Arenal Tampico Tamaulipas
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