martes, 2 de marzo de 2010


Some places that we can visit if know the region south east are mean the archeological places this teach the big cultura of the mayas and your development. The traces in the cities where lived.

In the state of Yucatan there are places as the center of the city, churches, museums.


A place very nice for visit full of colonial atmosphere is Merida.

Merida has a lof ot places with style colonial that show the importans past traces.
In Merida you can enjoy a beautiful sunny day just touring museums, theaters and public squares to watch artistic expressions of all kinds, from the most typical of the region, even the most avant-garde shows.


One of the most building in the capital of Yucatan, is very important for its baroque elegance and historical significance Casa montejo is un place representative because to cover three centuries,the buildings is conform the past sucess.

the Cathedral of Merida, is a place of peace, but too is a building witn a lof ot historics styles , began in 1561 and was completed in 1598. Your tendency is different utilised styles of the Renaissance and Baroque.


While in Merida, certainly worth making the trip a little less than an hour to visit this fantastic archeological site, situated on extensive grounds of Yucatan, near its border with the state of Campeche

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