miércoles, 3 de marzo de 2010



Quintana Roo is ubicated to east of the peninsula de Yucatan in the frontier of Central America near of the states of Yucatan, campeche the Gulf of Mexico to the south the river "hondo" delimit with Belice and some stones delimit the frontier with Guatemala.

Your beaches are "the Caribbean Mexican".

Is a of the two entities youngest of the country. Since 1997 has a conflict of limit with the states of Yucatan and Campeche for an area approximately of 10, 200 km².

Your name to come from Andres Quintana Roo, political, writer, poet and journalist.


Quintana Roo has two symbols: your coat of arms and hymn. Your coat of arms is formed for five elements this are: the rising sun that represent eight municipalities. The yellow winkle represent the interior of the land and sea the yellow color is the south with the mayas.The white star of five points represent the reborn of a day in the cardinal point east.Three green triangles are the wealth of the jungle.the symbol of wind is similar to letter "T" represent the hurricanes, the color´s coat of arms in the cultura Maya are the point cardinals, red is east, yellow is souht,white north and black is west ,too the green color is sacred for the mayas.

The hymn was sang in january 12th 1986 the most important is your message in favor of work and the freedom.

The mexican government continued to have very little control over this region until the early decades of the 20th century.

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