martes, 2 de marzo de 2010


Tabasco is ubicated in the south-east of the country. approximately your population is of 1989969 inhabitants. The state capital is Villahermosa.This state is for coastal plain gulf of Mexico and your southerner portion of Chiapas. The states neared are Chiapas, Campeche and Guatemala Republic in the west Veracruz.

The name´s state has some diferents interpretations, a interpretation say this name is the originated of the word "tlahuashco"this is mean "place that has owner" is for the allusion supernatural beings.

other say the Tabasco is a bad interpretation of the name "cacique" indigenous (Taabscoob) this is we were to deceived or judged. Other teory say this is a word of (tlapalco or tlapachtli) are humis land and pasture of the trees, the words is doing allusion to characteristics of the water and ecologics.

Tabasco has a lot of flora, fauna and is very importan for your naturals beauties, but the excessive exploitation of natural ressources and the petroleum have threatened this fauna.

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